Sunday, February 4, 2007


Have you ever wondered who is on this thing? Self promoters of all types, stranger than fiction individuals, those that you wonder if they have a clue as to how "out there" they really are? Good thing its not a fluid blog site to seach, so that is why I went to the "Blogs of Note"-where I wish they would change those depressing pumpkin orange color schemes they use, emphazized by the dull blue-anyway, I clicked on, say two or three blogs, eh, nothing interesting-then I decided to click on SJ's blog-wow-what an explosion of word play extraordinaire.

I think I blew out my eyeballs from not being able to tear myself away from reading and reading and reading. Amazingly entertaining. And clever.


tfg said...

If only I knew what SJ was.

Gucci Muse said...

TFG- Its fakesteve liked alot of his older posts-but he since had gotten sponsored by Wired-the posts to me are not as funny as the some of the old ones-

Gucci Muse said...

Sorry I mean